Menstrual Rituals

 How Is First Period Celebrated In Different Parts Of India

On World Menstrual Hygiene Day, let us explore the diverse period rituals observed across the nation. Menstruation is a pivotal milestone in every girl’s life, symbolizing hormonal changes and the onset of maturity. However, despite its significance, periods are often considered a taboo subject, restricted from open discussion.

Interestingly, while periods remain a taboo topic, they are also celebrated as festivals in several parts of India. The celebration of a girl’s first period varies across different regions. Let’s take a closer look at these unique celebrations throughout the nation.


In Karnataka, a girl’s first period is commemorated with grandeur. The occasion is marked by the girl wearing a half saree, symbolizing her transition into adulthood. The celebration, known as “Ritu Shuddhi” or “Ritu Kala Sanskar,” involves the ritual of donning a half saree, which has historically served to educate girls about menstruation and associated matters, ensuring they face no challenges.


In Assam, a girl’s first period is celebrated as the festival of “Tulonia Biya.” This festival is conducted with the same grandeur as a wedding ceremony. During this celebration, the girl is secluded in a room alone for seven days, refraining from any activities as it is considered inauspicious to witness the sun, moon, and stars during this time.

After the seclusion period, the girl is ceremoniously groomed and “married” to a banana plant. This ceremony brings together relatives who offer gifts to the girl.

Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu, a girl’s first period is celebrated as the festival of “Manjal Niratu Visa.” Guests are invited to partake in this ceremony. As part of the ritual, the girl’s uncle constructs a hut using mango, coconut, and neem leaves.

The girl is bathed with turmeric water and stays in the hut, while a variety of delicious dishes are prepared for her. Following the bath, she is adorned in a silk saree and adorned with jewelry. The ceremony concludes with “Punya Dhanan,” after which the hut built by the uncle is dismantled, and a priest purifies the house.


In Odisha, the first period is celebrated through a three-day-long ceremony known as “Raja Prabha.” The word “Raja” originated from the Sanskrit term for menstruation. It is believed that during these three days, Mother Earth experiences her menstrual cycle.

On the fourth day of the girl’s period, she is bathed as part of the ceremony. This custom is also associated with another tradition called “Mithun Sankranti,” which relates to the first rain of the monsoon season. The fourth day is also connected to the soil’s productivity due to the arrival of rain.

During the festivities, women and girls take a break from their regular chores and indulge in new clothes and sweets.

Andhra Pradesh

In Andhra Pradesh, a girl’s first period is celebrated through a grand ceremony known as “Pedamanishi Pandaga.” This celebration occurs on the first, fifth, and last days of her period.

On the first day, the girl undergoes a ceremonial bath called “Mangal Snan,” where five women, excluding her mother, bathe her. A separate room is arranged for the girl, where she is restricted from leaving. Throughout the “Pedmanishi Pandaga” ceremony, everything from the girl’s food to the mattress is kept separate. On the final day, sandalwood paste is applied to the girl, and her uncle gifts her a saree and jewelry.


These diverse rituals demonstrate the cultural significance and embrace of the first period in different regions of India. While periods continue to carry a certain level of taboo, these celebrations signify a shift towards acknowledging and honoring this important phase in a girl’s life. By understanding and appreciating these traditions, we can contribute to breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation and promoting menstrual hygiene and well-being for all.

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